Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year’s Un-resolutions

With the New Year upon us I am fighting the urge to make a long list of resolutions.  The very name “resolute”; having determination: possessing determination and purposefulness, has such a “determined” feel to it.    My normal career goals list goes something like this:  
  1. -         Loose weight (what this has to do with business I am not sure but is always at the top of the list)
  2. -         Make a living with my art (define living?)
  3. -         Organize my art room – supplies (never ending process, I always feel the need to pull out everything)
  4. -         Have my art in more galleries (have NO idea how to go about this)
  5. -         Keep up with paperwork (something I hate and put off until it is out of control)
  6. -         Draw, paint or create every single day ( working on that)
  7. -         Write a book, or finish what’s started
  8. -         Send already written children’s books to a publisher (a bit afraid of the rejection that all aspiring writers face)
  9. -         Keep better book-keeping records (the pile of receipts in the shoe box probably doesn’t really count)
  10. -         Don’t stress (yeah right, with a list like this, really?)

So here I go again, my resolutions stress me out!  You know what I mean, that Giant “TO DO” list, just waiting for me to check off each box.  I’ve hidden these lists in my Christmas stocking only to be pulled out the following year (the idea is that I will be pleasantly surprised how many goals I have accomplished the previous year but usually the list only reminds me that I haven’t yet reached most of the items on the list).   I have posted my list prominently (as a constant reminder to stay on task), or written the list in my journal (which I rarely write in) with the hope that just by jotting things down on paper will somehow, magically, make the wishes come true.  Sound familiar to anyone out there or am I the only crazy one?  This year, I’ve decided to allow myself the freedom of going with the flow. 


Jumping for Joy
 It’s not that I don’t have goals, I do, but I’m choosing (trying) to think of these as ideas to explore (a fun project of sorts ).  Don’t get me wrong, I am a firm believer in identifying the target then implementing small steps to achieve the target goal, but in this process want to remove the pressure and enjoy the process a bit more.  After all, if we hate the process, I think we’ve missed the point. 
Here’s to hoping all of you can enjoy each and every day of  this New Year you’ve been blessed with.




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